• Homemade Coffee Syrups! Posted on May 16, 2015

    Homemade Coffee Syrups! Want to create a coffee shop quality brew? My house is a treasure trove of drink experiments, many sitting in little bottles around my house. Infusions, wines, beers - you name it and I've tried to make it.

    Just recently I've been experimenting with sugar and making my own coffee syrups, like the ones that are liberally splashed into lattes at Starbucks and Costa. It's worth doing because they're a) far easier than you might imagine, b) cheaper than buying ready-made syrups and c) mean you have more control of what goes in your coffee. They also make great gifts for that person who is difficult to buy for as, let's face it, most people drink coffee.

    Click here for the recipes: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/foodanddrinkadvice/11596578/Homemade-coffee-syrups-how-to-create-a-coffee-shop-quality-brew.html

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