• Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins! Posted on May 15, 2015

    Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins! These Coffee Chocolate Chip Muffins are a great way to start each morning. Easy breakfast ideas that can be made a day ahead are always welcome in our house.

    Can I just tell you that these were seriously awesome? I think I called them the bomb.com! That got some major eye rolls from the oldest. He told me never to say that again. I think he would probably die if he knew I just wrote that on my blog
    :-) Haha! Oh, well! That describes these perfectly.

    These muffins were soft and delicious with just a hint of coffee and chocolate. Ok, it was more than a hint but it wasn’t overwhelming. I used a mixture of coffee and milk for the muffin batter. Then after they were baked and cooled, the muffins went for a dunk in a coffee glaze. It is the perfect topping to these muffins! Don’t skip that step!! It really does take the muffins up a notch!

    Find this recipe here: http://insidebrucrewlife.com/2014/02/coffee-chocolate-chip-muffins/#5lZA72UBKhWSam5s.99

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